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American Medical Association Mengatakan Pedoman Diet Seharusnya Mengatakan 'Daging dan Susu Itu Opsi
'Produk susu dan daging adalah nutrisi yang tidak diperlukan' American Medical Association (AMA) meminta Komite Penasihat Panduan Diet...
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Tempted by Tempeh has been named a Gourmand Awards 2020 winner for Singapore under the Fermentation
Tempeh, or fermented soybean cake, is a traditional Indonesian food that is a versatile ingredient to cook with. Discover various ways to...
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Building the Ultimate Vegan LifestyleBuilding the Ultimate Vegan Lifestyle | NOW! JAKARTA
Vegan? Vegetarian? Lacto vegatarian? Â Lacto-ovo-vegetarian ? What are the difference between these practices? And what are the benefits?...
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